Same mountain, new aspect and more company
After a day in bed yesterday coughing rats and green blobs of death we were again back on the horse.
Around 20-30cm of fresh had fallen on the already soft base, so conditions looked good. We opted for 25 short again, since we are by now familiar with that terrain and not feeling entirely sure of our fitness we didn't want to venture into to big adventures. Besides, that mountain still holds a lot of lines that need exploring.
On the way up we were caught up by the pensioner club or something, a man and two women of respectable age, keeping a more than respectable pace. The old man almost killed me when I tried to stay on his tail, but eventually I actually got to break some trail too in front of him. Good to see that there are still many years of touring to be had.
Me and the pensioners club. Of course they don't do the helmet and goggles thing
Nice view and fresh snow on 25 short. Weather was good too, if a bit windy
It was also nice to see the old guys ride, proper old school one-million-turns powder skiing and happy faces all around, heartwarming to say the least.
Nice old lady laying nice old turns in nice old snow, what's not to like?
I think I need to move here when time for retirement comes, it does seem very healthy.