Vacation randoms no. 1, Mefjell

This one is for those of you who only look at the pictures. Less words, more pictures, hopefully less boring.

The background: I filled a VW van with camping gear, bikes, maps and Martin, and headed south along the Norwegian border, towards where the mountains are higher and the fjords bluer, the weather more changing and the trails are steeper.

We are going sort of there...ish We are going sort of there...ish.

Just trying to grasp the scale of the landscape. Turns out a grey day in Norway can put a big smile on my face Just trying to grasp the scale of the landscape. Turns out a grey day in Norway can put a big smile on my face.

Sort of there turned out to be pretty cool "Sort of there" turned out to be a pretty cool spot.

Ride out of the car park, at sea level and heading towards Fjörå Ride out of the car park, at sea level and heading towards Fjörå.

The climb is steep but not overly so. The first few hundred meters of elevation are easily gained.

Road turns to gravel, got to love the view.

Gravel turns to trail, keep on pushing.

Push turns to carry.

Hey presto, a pink Five 1100m above the fjord.

Time to pad up, have a snack and try to spot trails down in Valldalen.

It's wetter and more muddy then it looks, proper two wheel slide paradise.

Mandatory talking with sheep on the traverse, it's Norway after all.

Back to downhill, heading down to Syltefjell in view just next to Martin's left shoulder.

A bit of rock slabs to spice things up.

Slipping and sliding down through the woods. It's steep, wet and giggle-inducingly slick.

Are we in France? Nope, look at the fjord. The locals call this part blowjob, no idea why.

More blowjob, enjoying every last bit of it.

Dinner time after an amazing day of riding.

Smiles for miles.