Team Martiin at the Biivouac again! Effin 'nduro all the way

It's finally in print, Team Martiin will be going to the Biivouac again. I'm very excited to get to race together with multiple SBR winning Martin again. I think my personal goal is to crash less and have fewer flats than last time, and ride that little bit faster. It will also be nice to meet Erik and Eric in Team Velozine again, we need to start making plans soon guys!

Team Martiin in the sunset above Millau 2013. Photocreds to Erik Nienhus

Speaking of something completely different, since it is almost Christmas and I am in the land of the (almost) free (stuff), I went out and got myself a new camera. On the not so wet days henceforth I will be shooting with a Lumix Lx7, and hopefully the superior low light performance will result in better pics on this blog. I have been playing around a little bit, yesterday night I took this one of the moonlight on the prairie.

Spooky, isn't it?