A wee trip to Motril

To kill my ongoing cold I decided to tag along on a trip down to Motril, a little more than an hour's drive away from Monachil. The plan was to check out the downhill track, do a couple of laps and just have a good time.

It turned out that some riding was just what I needed. (Surprise surprise!) In the morning I felt like roadkill, but the further the day went the better I got. The track was really good, dusty and flowy with good jumps and drops, and a couple of steep sections thrown in as well. Like La Zubia, but more technical, steeper and more fun. I like! I managed to grab a couple of pics of parts of the gang, thanks for letting me come along!

Mainly jumps and dust

A bit of climbing

A bit of air

A bit of steep

...and a bit of me!

And the new shock? So far, promising. No spiking, controlled rebound, lots of traction. No harsh bottoming out, but I did bottom it with 33% sag. It was well deserved though, landing and g-out. I will elaborate more on the subject when the jury is back in.