A great wee descent, and a creepy old hotel.

Just as an example of the great riding avaliable in Scotland, the 250 meters of elevation between Marmore Lodge and Kinlochleven. Start with a gruelling tar clibm (as Singletrack magazine would say) that turns into a slightly less gruelling gravel road climb at Marmore Lodge.

Marmore lodge, deserted and silent

The deserted old hotel reminds a bit of the one in "The shining", especially in the dramatic backdrop given by heavy clouds and a gentle rain.

Keep on climbing Spook!

When the track levels out, the trail drops down to the left. At first built with rock slabs and rim killing water bars, further down more loose and drifty. Full attention is required the whole way, even a tiny moment of distraction is immediately punished with either a flat or a near crash experience, brilliant riding!

Let the fun begin

Nice trail, nice views

Wide open, loose, rumbly and soon finished.

Thanks Spook for having me, and showing me all these really good trails!